“Celebration” tells the story of the centenary of the Song Celebration in Lithuania, 2024. A week of spectacular events united the whole country, attracted tourists and invited a lot of Lithuanians from all around the world to visit their country once again. The movie explores various patriotic topics. In the movie, it is asked what this tradition means to Lithuania and what does it take to create such large scale event. The film also reveals what the event creators were thinking and even feeling minutes before their performances. The documentary “Celebration” features creators, such as Leokadija Dabužinskaitė, the director of the Evening of Ensembles, artistic director of the Day of Dances Vidmantas Mačiulskis and the Day of Songs conductor Vytautas Miškinis. The film is full of heartfelt backstage moments and a lot of snippets from the biggest Song Celebration events. The movie is also full of insights from famous Lithuanians: “The Roop” leader Vaidotas Valiukevičius, photographer Neringa Rekašiūtė, TV presenters Eglė Daugėlaitė and Aistė Plaipaitė, professor Viktorija Daujotytė and composer Zita Bružaitė. “Celebration” was directed by Darius Dapkus and Ieva Šakalytė.

On January 30th the pre-premiere of the documentary “Celebration” happened. More than 600 guests – movie creators, partners, Lithuanian government executives, celebrities and politicians all stood up to applaud the film, thanking the filmmakers for capturing the spirit of the centenary of the Song Celebration.

Lietuvos nacionalinis kultūros centras
Main Partners
LR kultūros ministerija, Vilniaus m. savivaldybė, Kauno m. savivaldybė, Lietuvos savivaldybės
Main Sponsor
Under the patronage of
the President of Lithuania,
Gitanas Nausėda
LR Prezidentas
Under the Partonage of
Švyturys Nealkoholinis, Neste, Maxima
LTG Link, Kautra, Twinsbet Arena
ACM, Retail Media Baltic, Piksel
Clear Channel, Akropolis
Vilniaus Parkai, Valdovų rūmų muziejus, Vilniaus pilių valstybinio kultūrinio rezervato direkcija
Vilniaus Televizijos Bokštas, Monetų Namai, Taikomosios dailės ir dizaino muziejus, Lietuvos nacionalinis dailės muziejus