
Lithuanian Song Celebration is unique in its spirit and its content. Learn about the mystical Cantor Lituanus tribe and find out more about all the events of the Celebration!

The most significant of the Lithuanian Song Celebration’s weekday is the Song Day. On this day all entrances of the Vingis Park are fled with crowd…. One would be surprised finding out the reason. It is though simple to say that the audience flows to feel the life-time experience: to be part of the crowd, when the park’s amphitheatre is full of children, youth, women, men and mixed choirs making a number of 15 thousand singers. There’s probably no other summer music festival gathering such a massive collective on one stage. The atmosphere of this event fills every of its participants with euphoria and pride to be part of the Song Celebration.

Already curious what’s on the repertoire? Often it is compiled of pieces by contemporary composers written specially for the choirs and arranged folk songs. Usually the choirs perform songs a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment), though for the accomplishment of special artistic ideas a wind or a symphonic orchestra may be involved. Given the massiveness of the united choir, the role of a conductor becomes especially important, therefore every choral song is conducted by a different conductor. The compilation of the Song Day’s programme is always done with exceptional attention and responsibility; thus, its artistic value ever astonishes the audience.

The solemn atmosphere in the Vingis Park keeps lingering even after the end of the programme. The last notes sung by the choirs keep humming in the ears, the feet keep glued to the ground, resisting…. The spectators look at each other awed from the song magic soaring in the air… It cannot be experienced without participating at the Song Celebration at least for once in a life.

Lietuvos nacionalinis kultūros centras
Main Partners
LR kultūros ministerija, Vilniaus m. savivaldybė, Kauno m. savivaldybė, Lietuvos savivaldybės
Main Sponsor
Under the patronage of
the President of Lithuania,
Gitanas Nausėda
LR Prezidentas
Under the Partonage of
Švyturys Nealkoholinis, Neste, Maxima
LTG Link, Kautra, Twinsbet Arena
ACM, Retail Media Baltic, Piksel
Clear Channel, Akropolis
Vilniaus Parkai, Valdovų rūmų muziejus, Vilniaus pilių valstybinio kultūrinio rezervato direkcija
Vilniaus Televizijos Bokštas, Monetų Namai, Taikomosios dailės ir dizaino muziejus, Lietuvos nacionalinis dailės muziejus